Stressful lifestyle, hectic work schedule, inadequate sleep, lack of nutritional diet, pollution, harmful sun rays (UVA/UVB), excessive smoking and drinking alcohol are the major factors which lead to a dull and dry skin. All of these are part and parcel of our life and we cannot run away from them, but can surely prevent them as “prevention is always better than cure”.
In this article, I will be breaking down the Home remedies on how to keep skin glowing into 3 sections:
- Daily Matras/Habits
- Face Packs and Scrubs
- Diet
Home Remedies For Glowing Skin
1. Cleansing:
- A proper cleansing routine helps to get rid of pollution which gets settled on the skin during the day.
- Always use a cleanser/ facewash suitable for your skin type instead of soap.
- Soap contains harsh chemicals like sodium carbonate which makes your skin dry by stripping off the moisture from your skin.
2. Exfoliation:
- Exfoliation is an essential step in having a clear complexion.
- A good scrub will remove the top layer of dead skin cells, encouraging the production of new, healthy cells.
- It also improves blood circulation, lightens the skin making it soft, smooth and youthful.
3. Protect your skin:
- Always use a good sunscreen with SPF 30 (sun protection factor) whenever you step outdoors.
- Not only in summers, it’s important that you use a sunscreen in winters too.
- A good sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful UVA and UVB rays.
4. Pay attention to certain special areas:
After the age of 30, It is necessary that you should pay attention to certain special areas like the neck, eyes and hands which show early signs of ageing. The skin around the neck and hands becomes loose gradually and we can observe dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. These are the initial signs of skin ageing.- To reduce the dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, you can use juice of a raw potato or cucumber. You can keep slices of them over your eyes. Boiled tea bags can also be kept over the eyes. It helps in skin lightening, reducing wrinkles, tan, blemishes and dark spots.
- To tighten the loose skin near the neck and hands, massage twice a day with an almond or cocoa massage cream. This will also keep your skin soft and supple. You can also use baby oil or olive oil for massage.
5. Whatever you eat always reflects on your skin and body:
- Keep a proper check on what you eat.
- You should strictly avoid junk, processes and deeply fried food as it leads to several skin problems like pimples, acne, blackheads, pre mature ageing, breakouts etc.
- Adopt a balanced diet which should include lots of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, cereals and nuts. This would give a healthy, youthful and a glowing skin.
- It is very important that you drink 10-12 glasses of water daily, as it helps to flush out the toxins out of your system.
6. Old is not gold always:
- Do not use cosmetics products, creams, and tools etc which are very old.
- Always check the expiry date before buying and using the product.
- Try not to share your personal cosmetics with others as it contaminates it and makes it unsafe for personal use.
7. Makeup removal:
- Never forget to remove any traces of makeup from your face before going to bed.
- Sleeping with makeup will clog your pores leading to pimples and breakouts. It will also make your skin look dull and lifeless.
- You should use an alcohol free cleanser for makeup removal.
- Rose water can also be used as it is a natural toner.
8. Sleeping beauty:
- Sound sleep is very essential for healthy skin and body.
- While we sleep, our body repairs the damaged cells and replenishes the old ones.
- Thus our body requires at least 8 hours of sleep daily.
- This will give a healthy and glowing skin along with a refreshed mind.
9. Stay away from bad habits:
If glowing skin is what you desire, then keep your bad addictions away.- Smoking tobacco, drugs and drinking alcohol can lead to serious health as well as skin problems.
- It is responsible for pre mature ageing, fine lines and wrinkles.
- The smoke contracts the blood vessels and thus depriving your skin of the essential nutrients.
10. Exercise well:
When you exercise, your body receives a lot of oxygen while you breathe heavily. Oxygen fights off the formation of free radicals, which leads to pre mature ageing and dull skin.- Indulge in regular brisk exercises like walking, jogging, dancing, yoga, cycling and boxing.
- It makes your body fit and healthy and adds a glow to your face.
- When your sweat while exercising, you burn off the extra calories and it also improves the blood circulation, digestion and gives you a healthy glow.
Face Packs and Masks for Glowing Skin:
After you follow these 10 mantras, there is always something extra to be done which makes you stand out of the crowd. Yes, I am talking about face packs and scrubs. These packs and scrubs give your face that extra instant glow and charm. Use them twice a week and voila, that perfect glow is all yours!11. Oatmeal and cinnamon scrub:
This scrub is suitable for all skin types. It is rich in anti oxidants and proteins, thus promotes cell growth.- In 2 teaspoons of oatmeal, add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
- Mix them with 1-2 teaspoon of milk to form a fine paste.
- Apply all over the face and scrub gently in circular motions.
- Rinse after 15 minutes with warm water.
12. Green tea scrub:
Tea leaves are rich in flavanoids which maintain the collagen production in the skin. It maintains the elasticity of the skin, makes your skin glow and reverses the signs of ageing.- Boil a spoon full of tea leaves in water. When it imparts colour, remove from the flame. Cool it and add 2 teaspoons from it in the bowl.
- In this, add 2 teaspoons of brown sugar. (Here I have used white sugar).
- Finally add 1 teaspoon of cream and mix well.
- Apply all over the face and scrub gently in circular motions.
- Rinse off with cool water after 10 minutes.
13. Sooji scrub:
This is one of unusual ingredient, but do you know that Sooji can also be used as a scrub as it also removes the dead cells, dirt and oil giving you a glowing skin.- Mix 3 teaspoons of Sooji to 1 teaspoon of milk.
- Mix well to form a paste and apply on face.
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